Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So much riding

So its always the making of a GREAT weekend when I know that I am going to racing both Super D and XC, with a side of dirt jumping at my house after it all.

It all started on Saturday with Brian picking me up from my house then a quick trip to my Mom's to get her. Time was a bit closer than we wanted so we just drove strait to the race site and got ready to race Super D. I heard it was pretty cool using mostly single track and being about 2 miles long. We got up there with just eneough time to get going. We all lined up on the fire road as we took off. Well long story short it took about 14:30 to finish and a ton of it was fireroad but was still a great time. I won on the 29er and Brian finished after quite upset that his bike was not working that well and he had to even get off several times to fix it. Brain still finished in third!

Later as we were unloading the bikes I noticed that brian had completly broken his frame right above the front derailer. Well that explains the shifting problems! Luckly we had still another bike for him to use in the xc race on Sunday.

After a great eveing in the house that Timmy let us use for the night it was off to race XC, me on my FRO and brian on the 29er. Brian took off first and had a great race and WON his class and was the 4th fastest Sport rider of the day. He has only been riding for 7 months!

Then it was time for my race, I was stoked to race XC as it has been about 8 weeks since the last one and yet a bit nervous on how my legs would respond. Well it all went pretty well with the legs responding fairly well and me being content with a 2nd place! Mike Tettelton made a guest apperance and rumor has it that he may be racing more XC next year, Maybe because he WON it all! Nice work guys!!!

Then as the awards finished it was off to the races as we drove home in time to get the ride party on at my house. It was another great time as a ton of friends showed up and we all had a great time riding and eating tons of food!

Hope your weekend was GREAT also!!!

1 comment:

Luke said...

where the hell ya been bro??

hope all is well!